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The wood stove

The safest heating in the world

Heat - and if it were suddenly gone

Imagine it is winter. Temperatures drop to -10 degrees and a white veil of frost covers the ground, plants and roofs of houses. Modern people usually don't notice this at all in their homes. Our state-of-the art heating systems ensure that our houses and flats always remain pleasantly warm.

What would happen if the heat suddenly ceased to exist? Suddenly there is no more oil. Or the gas tap is literally turned off, either due to a natural disaster or for geopolitical reasons. And what about a widespread power blackout? A scenario that is not unlikely in times of extreme global energy demand.

The basic need to "secure warmth" is one of man's primal instincts and yet no one is really aware of this. Because warmth is always available in our highly modern society, at least in appearance.

There is therefore no need to get too worried, the situation on the subject of warmth is more stable than it has been for a long time. But nevertheless, such mind games are meant exactly for those times when there seem to be no problems (yet).

So what is the answer to the question: "How can I make sure that my basic need for warmth is secured in the long run?”

When a fire can do more than just cosy 

The answer for many is quite simple: the classic wood fire. Because what worked for prehistoric man, namely braving the cold with a simple wood fire, must still work in our time.

And indeed, heating with tiled stoves, fireplaces or custom tiled stoves has another very important component in addition to the factors of cosiness and atmosphere: That of safety.

For many people, especially in rural regions, the raw material wood can often be found right on their doorstep. And it is not uncommon that neighbours, acquaintances or even relatives are the producers and suppliers.

Especially in regions without large gas or oil deposits, such as Central Europe, wood is the only raw material that is not in short supply. Even in the worst of times, we could always rely on the forest as an energy supplier.

The crackling wood fire, which we like so much because of its visual beauty, is also the safest and most reliable of all energy sources. And if operated correctly and constructed in accordance with BimschV 2, it is also one of the most environment-friendly.

How the wood gets into the underfloor heating 

One of the most interesting solutions is the water-bearing wood-burning stove. In this case, a tiled stove or fireplace generates hot water at the same time as the radiant heat, which is fed into the house's heating system and supplies radiators, underfloor heating and fresh water modules with it. Different output sizes and designs are offered here by the trade

On the safe side even in the event of a power failure

NV 500 is the name BRUNNER gives to its charge inverter. This component, in conjunction with a normal car battery, always provides sufficient voltage for more than 24 hours for the boiler and heating circuit pump. This happens automatically if the power grid should ever break down. It's nice when a heating operation continues undisturbed.

Specialist tip

The 1st Federal Immission Control Ordinance (BImschV) is observed for existing and, of course, also for newly built stoves. This regulation governs the provisions that a fireplace must fulfil in order to be environment-friendly and sustainable.





Klaus Leihkamm, Head of craftsmen consultation & customer service


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Further articles on the topic of heating with renewable energies can be found here in our blog posts.

About Brunner
29. August 2018
The name BRUNNER stands for a company with a passion for stove construction, fireplace construction ...
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